Aequo Advises International Financial Institution on the Restructuring of a Multi-Million Loan

25 September 2017

AEQUO advised international financial institution on the Ukrainian law matters related to the restructuring of a multi-million dollar loan granted to one of the leading Ukrainian producers of cleaning and maintenance products. The restructuring included extension of a maturity date, renewal of the existing security and establishment of new security instruments.

AEQUO's advisory role to the lender included legal assistance in drafting and negotiating the transaction documents from Ukrainian legal perspective, collecting and control over fulfillment of conditions precedent to the restructuring, issuance of the legal opinion in favor of the lender, as well as advising on other transaction-related matters.

AEQUO’s team included senior associates Yevgen Blok and Denys Kulgavyi, working under the supervision of Yulia Kyrpa, partner.