M&A in Ukraine: Riding Currents

21 May 2020

On 10 June 2020 Aequo and Yuridicheskaya Praktika (Legal Practice) publishing house will hold the “M&A in Ukraine: Riding Currents” online conference.

During the event Aequo will present the results of the complex 5-year research of the Ukrainian M&A market. The research was carried out by Aequo jointly with Mergermarket (UK), an independent M&A intelligence service.


  • M&A in Ukraine: 5-year overview. Report presentation

  • 2019 full of hope: landmark deals, leading industries, key business activity indicators

  • The tipping point of 2020: the world crisis

  • 2020 economic forecasts

  • M&A in 2020 – wins and losses. Dealmaking potential

  • Practical recommendations: what to do if the crisis struck in the middle of the deal?


  • Anna Babych, Partner, AEQUO

  • Olga Magaletska, Head of Office, National Investment Council of Ukraine

  • Philipp Grushko, Partner, SD Capital

  • Brian Best, Managing Director, Investment Banking, Dragon Capital

  • Olena Bilan, Chief Economist, Dragon Capital

  • Valeri Kulitski, Managing Partner, Baltic Partners, Latvia

  • Igor Bilous, Managing Partner, Altius

Owners, top management, heads of legal departments of major Ukrainian and international companies are invited to participate.

Participation is free, but registration is required.

Working languages: Ukrainian, Russian.

Please follow the link to register.

About Mergermarket

Mergermarket is an unparalleled, independent mergers and acquisitions (M&A) proprietary intelligence tool. Unlike any other service of its kind, Mergermarket provides a complete overview of the M&A market by offering both a forward-looking intelligence database and a historical deals database, achieving real revenues for Mergermarket clients.