Aequo Lawyers are Recommended by Best Lawyers International 2018 in 12 Practice Areas

27 June 2017

International ranking agency Best Lawyers in its 2018th edition recommends Aequo lawyers in 12 key practices.

Aequo is listed among the Top 5 by the number of the firm’s lawyers mentioned in the ranking, among the Top 10 Ukrainianlaw firms by the number of mentions in the ranking, and among the Top 10 by the number of practice areas in which the firm’s lawyers are recommended.

According to the ranking, Aequo lawyers are recommended in the following areas of law:

  • Managing partner Denis Lysenko – in antitrust and competition, banking and finance, corporate law, government relations, investment, M&A;

  • Partner Anna Babych – in corporate law, investment, M&A;

  • Partner Yulia Kyrpa – in banking and finance, capital markets, insurance law, M&A, real estate;

  • Partner Oleksandr Mamunya – in intellectual property and life sciences;

  • Counsel Pavlo Byelousov – in arbitration and mediation;

  • Counsel Sergey Denisenko – in antitrust and competition;

  • Of counsel Oksana Krasnokutskaya – in M&A.

Best Lawyers rankings have been published since 1983. In 2006, Best Lawyers have become international. Since then, top legal talent rankings are published in more than 70 countries worldwide. Their key objective is to assist both lawyers and their clients in finding each other, and to choose a legal adviser in the relevant field of law.