Aequo advises DebtX on its qualification with the deposit Guarantee Fund
Aequo advised DebtX Ukraine, a Ukrainian subsidiary of The Debt Exchange, Inc. – one of the leading global marketplaces for non-performing loans purchase and sale transactions – on its qualification with the Deposit Guarantee Fund. As a result of this qualification, DebtX Ukraine became qualified to render the following services to the DGF within the course of the NPLs disposal: preparation of the loan portfolios for sale and holding auctions on such loan portfolios. Such a qualification is a critical achievement for accelerating NPLs portfolio disposal, comprising a number of debts on the balance sheets of the banks managed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund. The latter expects to dispose of billions of NPLs to Ukrainian and foreign investors through transparent tender procedures in 2018, which are being implemented with the participation of leading foreign intermediaries.
“We hope that these positive developments will lead to successful NPLs portfolio disposals in the very near future. We are deeply honoured to participate in this landmark project for the entire Ukrainian economy,’’ commented Yulia Kyrpa.