Aequo advises agricultural group Rostok-Holding

Aequo advised one of the beneficiaries of Rostok-Holding agro-industrial group — Mr. Viktor Kupavtsev — on obtaining merger clearance approvals from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for a number of concentrations in connection with the acquisition of control over Novgorod-Seversky Elevator, LLC, "Novgorod-Seversky Agrarian Investments, LLC, and LLC "DEMOR", which is one of the stages of a complex transaction concerning the sale of shares of Rostok Agroinvest Limited.

The Rostok-Holding Group is a vertically integrated agro-industrial group specialising in the cultivation and sale of crops, the production and sale of milk and the provision of elevator services.

Industry: Agribusiness
Practice: Antitrust and Competition