Aequo won the crucial victory in favour of GTS Operator of Ukraine

Aequo successfully protected the rights of GTS Operator of Ukraine before the Supreme Court, which operator is a natural monopoly ensuring the transportation of natural gas to consumers in Ukraine and the European Union countries.

The subject of the dispute was the different interpretation of provisions of the Gas Transmission System Code. The claimant trader argued that GTS Operator had to reimburse it for daily imbalances under the stated preliminary cost; GTS Operator, in its turn, insisted that the payments should be made taking into account actual expenses incurred for the purchase of natural gas.

The court of first instance and the court of appeal made their decisions in favour of the trader.

The Supreme Court reversed those court decisions and noted that the preliminary cost of imbalances was tentative and not final.

Thus, Aequo set an important precedent for a number of disputes involving the participation of GTS Operator in the total amount of UAH 300 million.

Client: GTS Operator of Ukraine
Industry: Energy and Natural Resources
Practice: Dispute Resolution