Opening of the EU Defenсe Innovation Office

24 Вересня 2024

The EU Office for Defenсe Innovation, housed at the EU Delegation to Ukraine, started operating in Kyiv. It will facilitate cross-border cooperation between Ukrainian and European defenсe technology and industrial bases.

The opening of the Office brings Ukraine and the EU closer to implementating of the European Defenсe and Industrial Strategy, adopted in March 2024. The strategy recognizes Ukraine's crucial role as an EU partner and aims to contribute to European defenсe readiness.

The Office will play a crucial role in identifying Ukraine's needs and opportunities in the field of defenсe innovation. It will also facilitate cooperation between EU startups and innovators with industry and the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to a press release from the EU Delegation, a strong Ukrainian defence technology and industrial base is vital for Ukraine's long-term security and for its recovery. In addition, strengthening Ukraine's defence capabilities will facilitate Ukraine's integration into the EU defenсe equipment market.