Aequo successfully defends Darnitsa rights to the "Citramon" trademark
Aequo attorneys have successfully defended the intellectual property rights of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa” to the “Citramon” trademark in a court case initiated by Lubnypharm.
On December 14, 2021 Poltava Court of Appeal decided in favor of Darnitsa by cancelling the decision of the Lubny City District Court of Poltava region by which Citramon was recognized as a well-known trademark of Lubnypharm as of January 1,1992.
Darnitsa initiated appellate proceedings claiming the lack of grounds to recognize Citramon as well-known trademark of Lubnypharm, and significant procedural violations committed by the first instance court. The Lubny City District Court of Poltava did not involve Darnitsa in the proceedings while the Commercial Court of Kyiv City is considering Darnitsa's lawsuit against Lubnypharm for cancellation of the trademark certificate for "Citramon U" (Цитрамон У) and recognition of trademark "Citramon" as well-known trademark of Darnitsa as of 1997.